
Energy is the single most important force that constitutes the universe and therefore, also the human existence. For me, energy symbolizes efficiency, ardor, vitality, potency and more than anything else – spirit. The gigantic universe that we all are a part of, consists of light and dark matter. In the same way our lives comprise of people – both positive and negative. Either way, they have an impact on us. Interesting thing is that people can lie, manipulate their ugly intentions with welcoming actions, can indulge in sugar coated sweet talk even though malice is what is inside them and yet their vibes don’t lie. Just don’t.  People may deceive us but their vibes don’t.

I recently came across this really interesting term – ‘Energy Vampires.’ What it signifies is people who can be synonymous to vampires in draining you, except that they don’t drain out blood, they drain out your ‘chi’ or positive life energy.  They suck the life force out of you. They are envious of the little things that might not even hold any importance to you.  The way you talk, the way you carry yourself, the way you think – they get envious of everything. In short, your overall persona is what makes them cringe.

Now the problem is that somehow they don’t uplift themselves from their own ‘set ways’ but try their level best to bring you down. Their problem is not their own despair but your happiness.  Such people, in my view are indulging in the worst form of human existence. They somehow are unable to channelize the envy they posses as a factor in motivating them to do better (since you cannot pull people backwards, you can push yourself forward). Instead they will litter it around to do harm to you. Worst part is that it isn’t as if they harm you physically (although that can happen too).

The mere thought of you doing well elicits from them such a strong force of negativity, that you actually feel it. It harms you in every way and even though a lot of people may theorize that don’t let such people get to you, it takes time to build that endurance. Mean while these ‘Energy Vampires’ wreak havoc in your lives – emotionally, mentally, psychologically and even anatomically.  These EV’S as I call them, cringe, take offence and are full of pitch black envy at things that you might want to laugh at. I mean right from posting a lovely picture on Facebook to, let’s say getting a lot of hits at your newly created website. From being appreciated by a lot of people to actually being successful. From coming from affluent background to being a free spirit, these people despise it all.

They do it not because they hate these things but because they can’t have them (deep inside they keep wishing they’d have it all). It’s a whole different story though, that no one’s stopping them. They’re creating that hindrance themselves since they waste their energy in thinking maliciously about you.  Instead they should make more way for themselves. But since that usually doesn’t happen, it is extremely important for us to protect ourselves from the negativity around.

Neutralize the negativity around. Restore the balance within. Try maintaining your aura around you. The more you radiate positivity, the more you make your aura stronger. Make your aura your Armor. Subdue their negativity with your ‘chi.’ Be careful whom you give your attention to. The more you give attention to a thing, the more it grows, so make sure only the things worth it get your attention. Let the positive things, the positive situations and the positive people get your attention.  Do not ever get engulfed by the negativity around since it is contagious. Just as a black hole sucks in all the light around, negativity sucks in all the positivity around. Negativity leaves you empty. Try filling that void with positivity.

Surround yourself with positive people. Surround yourself with nature because to be in sync with nature does wonders to you. Extremely few people know how to live in a fascinating way. Others spend their days breathing – only breathing, not living.  Stop over thinking about all the things you cannot control. How people react, why people get envious, how people cringe, why people derive a sadistic pleasure each time you’re committing mistakes, feeling awful and are on an all time low, will never be in your hands . What will be in your hands is the power of selectivity, of inaccessibility, and of goodness. ‘Selectivity’ for selecting very carefully the thoughts you pick up. ‘Inaccessibility’ for distancing yourself from all the people who will never think good of you, and will keep cringing for who you are. ‘Goodness’ since you are not a bad person. So, you don’t have to live by the philosophy of ‘”an eye for an eye” because if you do that, there will be no difference between them and you.

Be the way you are – Virtuous, wonderful and seasoned. Transform yourself from within, the outside environment will change automatically. Work hard on yourself in getting rid of all the clutter inside your brain. The clutter comprises the negative thoughts that the EV’s have implanted. Get rid of all of it and make space for the positivity of the universe to rush right in. Trust me, it will and when that happens you will live in awe for the rest of your life discovering the magic that life has to offer. The world isn’t that bad a place. It has a lot of beauty, a lot of magic but only for people who are ready to let go of the negativity and embrace the beauty and the magic. Discover yourself each day. Feel alive. Worth it.


Avoid Negativity